Items we updated today:
- Resolved intermittent issues where forum and assignment feedback notifications are not sent by email.
- Allowed courses with titles longer than 75 characters to connect to iClicker Cloud without issue.
- Quiz timer is displayed prominently on all devices.In the New Look mobile devices will display the timer at the top in the quiz window, for desktop, the right block will automatically expand displaying the timer within the Quiz navigation block.
- Quiz attempts are automatically submitted once time expires, if selected in the quiz setting.
Some UI Changes
- Added a shiny new YU icon. The YU icon replaces the Home icon un the upper left corner.
- Icons in the top bar are aligned on all devices.
- Content in the Navigation block are aligned properly.
- Time left will not be displayed if a quiz does not have a time limit.
- Edit Profile in the New Look launches the Moodle profile page.