Release Notes: New Features

Release Notes: New Features

December 27, 2018

Grades input on the Web (GAM) Export format

Our new Grades on the Web (GAM) export format allows you to export your students' grades from the Moodle gradebook in the format that GAM is expecting, no need to move columns around before you submit!

Global Search

With Global Search you can search for everything you have access to. Students can search their courses for notes or activities and instructors can search for subject-related activities among other things.*Global search will be available once the indexing is completed.

global search icon to the right of messages in top bar

More Efficient User Management

The new "Participants & Enrolment" page enables you to easily enrol, view, search for, filter, edit and delete course participants.

Participants page

Easily Navigate Around Your Course

When viewing an activity, take advantage of the new "Previous" and "Next" links along with the "Jump to" feature, to easily navigate through the course.

Jump to, prev and next links

Easier Calendar Management

New events may be added by clicking on an empty space in a day on the calendar as well as clicking on the "New Event" button. You also have the convenience of adding or editing event information in a pop up. You can also drag and drop your events from one day to another.

Mark Activities as Complete

As an instructor, you are now able to mark activities as complete/incomplete on behalf of your students.

Choose From a Helpful List of Suggested File Types

Some activities allow you to pick the required file types for submission. We are now providing you with a list of suggested file types to make your selections easier.
some accepted file type options

Tag Database Entries

In addition to glossary and forum posts, you can now tag database entries to conveniently connect different types of content on the site.

Filter Question by Tag

You can now use tagging to filter questions when adding random questions in a quiz.

Filter by tags to add random question

Know How Choice Results Will Display

You can now inform your student if choice results are visible to all students or if their names are published.

Enhanced Turnitin Experience

Turnitin assignments are now present on the course overview and timeline pages, making it easier for students to keep track of upcoming due dates. The customizable quick mark comments can now be added more conveniently using the new drag-and-drop feature helping you engage students in revision and achieving better learning outcomes.

Enjoy the break!