Changes to your Dashboard, Forums and Messaging

Changes to your Dashboard, Forums and Messaging

July 24, 2019

We've been doing a lot of work on Moodle over the past months, here we've rounded up the most important and exciting changes coming on August 19th.

Changes to your Dashboard

We've revamped the dashboard to give you easier access to your courses and flexibility to organize and display your dashboard in a way that makes sense to you.  Using a combination of filters and display options you can find a view that works best for you.

Course overview

Your Course overview block gives you access to all of the courses you are assigned to. It has some built in features to help you organize your courses in a way that works  best for you.

The menus at the top will allow you to customize your course display.

Course overview menus


  1. Use the filter icon Screenshot of filter icon to show all your courses or only those that are In progress, Past or Future. You can also star and hide courses and use the filter to display only those.
  2. Use the course sort menu Screenshot of sort menu to sort your courses by Course name or by Last accessed
  3. Use the display menu Screenshot of display menu to jump between different views of your course

Card view

Screenshot of Card view

List view

Screenshot of List view


Recently accessed courses block

The Recently accessed courses block allows you to quickly jump back into a course you've recently been in, it is located by default under your Course overview block.

Screenshot of recently accessed courses block

Other tips to organize your courses

You can star courses to and hide them from your view using the elipses screenshot of elipses on your course card. You can then use the filter to view only starred or hidden courses.

Star or hide course screenshot

Alternatively you can customize your dashboard to add a Starred course block to get a quick view into only those courses. We'll be taking a deeper dive into how to customize your dashboard in a later post so stay tuned.



Discussion Forums

You’ll be able to save some clicks by just clicking reply and typing your message inline on the same screen. 

Screenshot of reply to forum post

You can add a star to a post to keep it at the top of your discussion list and Instructors have the ability to manually lock discussions and reply to messages privately. 

Discussion board topics screenshot



Messaging in Moodle

The messaging interface has had an overhaul, it's had a good clean up and includes the ability to star, mute and delete conversations.

Screenshot of message window

And as an Instructor, if you have a group set up in your course you can also set up group messaging spaces for your students to chat.  

Screenshot of group messaging option


Want to see what this all looks like?

You can head over to to get a sneak peek into these changes.